The Vancouver Plan

Approved by City Council on July 22, 2022, the Vancouver Plan is an historic long-range land use strategy to create a more livable, affordable and sustainable city for everyone.

It guides the long-term growth of the city in an intentional way, clarifying where growth and change will occur over the next 30 years.

Neighbourhood Types

As shown in the map and legend above, the Vancouver Plan describes 6 different Neighbourhood Types, each that advances a Key Direction. The 6 neighbourhood areas also have additional policies related to housing, jobs, buildings, nature, public realm, and other topics.

Metro Core/Broadway

Principal centre of business, employment, cultural, and entertainment activity for the city and region.

Key Direction: Reinforce Metro Core/Broadway’s role as the principal centre of business, employment, cultural, and entertainment activity for the city and the region

Municipal Town Centre

Second only in regional importance to the Metro Core/Broadway area, Oakridge MTC has excellent access to rapid transit and will support a dense mix of housing, jobs and amenities.

Key Direction: An inclusive, mixed-use centre with significant housing and jobs space, services and amenities

Rapid Transit Areas

Existing and future rapid transit areas will grow to accommodate more employment uses and a wide range of housing options, including rental and social housing.

Key Direction: Reinforce vibrant, mixed-use neighbourhoods providing more opportunities for purpose-built rental and social housing, childcare, community infrastructure, arts and culture uses, together with public spaces that allow people to connect

Neighbourhood Centres

Oriented around existing local shopping streets, these neighbourhoods will accommodate more housing choice in the future.

Key Direction: Enhance Neighbourhood Centres as successful, mixed-use neighbourhoods with vibrant local shopping areas, green and leafy residential streets, a wide range of housing options, and supportive amenities


These areas will add shops and services to primarily residential neighbourhoods and add Missing Middle housing nearby.

Key Direction: Strengthen low density residential neighbourhoods by adding shops, services and housing choice to provide more complete, inclusive and resilient neighbourhoods

Multiplex Areas

Multiplexes will be enabled in all neighbourhoods across the city

Key Direction: Evolve Vancouver’s low density residential areas to enable smaller scale Missing Middle housing across the city. Respect the local character of neighbourhoods while adding housing choice, local-serving shops and services, and home-based business opportunities

What’s Next?

Now that the Vancouver Plan has been approved, it is the City’s strategic land use framework, guiding more detailed plans and policies to come.

Council-approved motions directing staff to consider how renter protections and developer contributions will be included as part of the implementation of this Plan.

Contact me to learn more about how the plan impacts your neighbourhood or future housing needs.

– Vassi Balatico

*Disclaimer: all text and photos shown above have been sourced directly from the website.